Sunday, July 10, 2005

No news is good news?


I've been away from a decent computer and internet connection for a week and it seems that basically nothing has happened in the land of Advent Rising.

- No European release.
- No PC release. (Now look for it at the end of the month)
- No restart to the contest.

I would not be all that surprised if it wasn't restarted at all. If the game has sold a very small number of units, it might be better for Majesco to call the whole thing off. I'm sure they will have included some such clause in the conditions, and if it isn't moving unit, who cares if they piss off some fans?

Time will tell...


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very pissed. I dont think the bastards in Glyphix are gonna start the contest again. And what the hell or better where the hell is that frigging Mustard shit. I think he spent more time combing his hair than working on this game. Mustard chicken shit.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the plus side... I found news on the comic. Some guy named Rob M. Worley is working on it. Take a look at the article:

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have told me about my sharp eyes... it hurts to blink, really... ;)

Anyway, glad you put it up. I'll keep my eyes open for anything else...

By the way, I think you heard about Majesco's recent problems. Their CEO resigned, their stock dropped by over 50%... it does not look good for them. You can check it out at:

cartesian was the one who first found it on the Advent Rising forums.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit that the game itself was awesome. I agree that there few frustrating errors BUT the story, graphics, music, visuals, voices were all totally awesome. I think Advent is a masterpiece. I just wish it would have sent and made by a better developer like Bungie. (By the way Majesco is a totally cool company/publisher, problem is GLYPHIX- I have no complain about Majesco staff // they are so responsible)

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, David. This was GlyphX's first game. I expected there to be problems, and I think they did a darn good job with little to no experience. Yeay for them!

Bungie could have done well, yes... I think the Mustard Brothers wanted something completely new, though, and that's what he got out of GlyphX. I smile for them. :)


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